

260q 第一個數字表示吹滿氣後,氣球的直徑為 2吋;第二與第三個數字表示吹滿氣後,氣球的長度為60吋;而後面的字母代表製造廠商-Qualatex。


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請先將下面圖檔copy起來(將滑鼠移到下面圖案處,並按滑鼠右鍵選 "Save Image As" 功能儲存),再以300dpi印表機列印,可得原稿尺寸。做造型時即可藉此量度尺寸而做出正確的大小。
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Balloon Twists


Lock Twist


Pinch Twist (Ear Twist)


Toe Twist

首先做一個熊耳朵,再以兩手抓這泡泡的兩端,把它扭轉成兩部分,每顆小球大約 1/2"。此種轉法使用在腳、手、眼睛。

Pinch-pop Series

pnchpop1.gif (1557 bytes) 此種轉法是為了將氣球分成獨立的兩部分,使分開的部分不必打結而能有漂亮的尾部。首先轉出三個等大的小泡泡,為了方便施工可在其下方先打一個 Lock Twist 固定(不打亦可)。接著如圖將對稱的左右二球各轉出一個熊耳朵來(轉5圈)。

pnchpop2.gif (1381 bytes)接著也可以將二個熊耳朵再做成 Toe Twist。

pnchpop3.gif (1349 bytes)最後弄破中間的泡泡,即可形成兩個獨立氣球。(如果只做 Ear Twist 則成為兩個獨立的熊耳朵,可當成手掌設計;若做成 Toe Twist 則可當成兩個獨立的腳掌設計)

Loop Twist


Apple Twist (Tulip Twist)

這是使用260q做出蘋果外形的轉法。首先以右手食指將打結處推進約 2" ,以左手由球外將打結處抓緊而拉出右手,然後以右手將其旋轉 5 圈後放開即成一蘋果旋轉 (指甲要修剪,否則會刺破氣球)。此種轉法可做手、腳或漂亮的蘋果花束。

Bird Body (3-Bubble Roll-Through)

先轉出三個相同長度的泡泡,以 Lock Twist 扭轉二鄰接的泡泡後,將第三個泡泡小心地推進二泡泡之間。一邊滾動(翻出)外部的二泡泡,一邊壓進第三個泡泡,如此較易操作。此種轉法使用在鸚鵡的肚子、頑皮豹的嘴。


Hook Twist

鉤子扭轉法類似蘋果扭轉,只不過要推進長一點的距離(盡量深入 ),而且食指是沿著底部深入,左手抓的部位也是在底部。另外食指要彎曲拉出。這是難度較高的高級技巧,使用它將使您的造型與眾不同。

S-Hook Twist

  S 型鉤子扭轉法與鉤子扭轉法類似,只是彎曲壓入260q內部(手指盡可能再深入即可達成),此法可用來表現動物的尾巴。


Apple Twist
appletwist(move).gif (8655 bytes)
Bird Body
birdtwist(move).gif (11078 bytes)

Pinch Twist (Ear Twist)
eartwist(move).gif (6239 bytes)
Toe Twist (Split Twist)
eartwist2(move).gif (8215 bytes)
Loop Twist (Elphone Twist)
elephonetwist(move).gif (6300 bytes)
Insideball Twist
meatballtwist(move).gif (10409 bytes)
Pop Twist
poptwist(move).gif (17222 bytes)



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Whoop!貼錯相片了,這是我們家的Doudou與Yuyu :-)


南瓜是典型「秋收冬藏」的蔬菜,以我在北投市民農場的實作經驗,南瓜確實是一種很好的蔬菜。一方面其生命力很強(颱風一來其他瓜類死光光,唯獨南瓜依舊活著),二來其生長期很長(須比其他瓜類多種三個月才能收成),三來營養成分很高。我通常將其切丁後煮甜湯,冰過後品嚐風味一流。網主在此極力推薦給各位網友!(變成上烹調課了 :-) 南瓜造型的做法是取一條橘色 260q打滿氣後 ,捏住前端距嘴部 6"位置,將頭部的氣放掉(這是頭部洩氣的標準做法)。接著再漏一點氣直到出現 1"尾部為止。把頭尾綁在一起形成一個圓圈(盡量綁在尾部尖端部位,留下未充氣部分於球體上,形成柔軟的球體)。然後把球體壓成平行的兩段如上圖,接著旋轉其中一段形成兩個結點平分球體為相等的兩部分(若不相等,應轉開結點,擠壓較長一方的球體使其等長)。 平分氣球為三段,成為六個等大的泡泡。(這六個泡泡要等大且很柔軟,這是南瓜能否對稱均勻的必要條件

接下來需要一點技巧與勇氣,如圖將左邊二泡泡塞入中間二泡泡之中,形成一個四泡泡的 Bird Body。並調整個泡泡使其均勻對稱(技巧是塞入的泡泡要往嘴部方向拉,使結點緊密的接觸)    



1.可使用兩條 360P做出大大的南瓜,當裝飾品很漂亮。
2.若使用 130T做出的小南瓜可當鬱金香的花苞,配合綠色的花徑就是漂亮的氣球花。(花徑的做法:以兩個熊耳朵Pinch Twist撐住花苞,以象耳朵Loop Twist做出葉子)

Palm Tree

提到棕櫚樹,自然而然就會想到充滿浪漫風情的夏威夷。躺在夕照下的Maui島海攤上,清澈的海天伴隨著輕柔的晚風,真有著人間仙境的感覺。我尤其喜歡在歐胡島Waikiki海灘上吹著長笛(曾有一老外要求我吹奏The shadow of your smile,這是我最喜歡的曲子,當時真有巧遇知音的感動)。OK,在進入造型教學之前,我們先引起動機,先來分享夏威夷令人難忘的經歷:

★日本神社前堆積的石塊聽說是祈福用的,堆的越高願望就越容易達成(於是就看到比誰堆的高)。 這一幕在夏威夷大島火山口邊亦再度出現,我想風土民情東西方應該是英雄所見略同,便趨前仔細觀看。不同的是,這些用黑曜岩堆積的石堆旁還有幾隻單腳鞋子呢(還是MIT)!據導遊(醬油)如是說:Hawaii的原住民認為火山爆發是「希拉」在生氣,他們把噴出的黑曜岩當作是不祥之物(我本不知而帶了一小塊上車,結果被司機制止)。因此當地居民有一習俗,當其有不順遂之事時,會在火山熔岩(黑曜岩)旁將該事輕聲說出,並一邊講一邊堆石頭,他們認為如此這般則霉運就被壓在希拉的詛咒下了(心理學上的轉移在東西方竟有截然不同的表現,一是積極的祈福,一是消極的詛咒。不過壓在石頭下這點,東西方倒是相同:白蛇被壓在雷峰塔下與偷火下凡的???被宙斯壓在大石下)。那麼怎麼會有單腳的鞋子呢?原來是好奇的觀光客踢倒這些石堆後,壓住的惡魔被解放後將對踢石的人不利,當初被壓住之厄運亦將轉移至該觀光客身上。(有點像神燈巨人:巨人不思感恩竟欲加害於釋放者,還好神燈主人夠聰明,直說我不相信這麼小的燈怎麼可能裝的下你這巨人,於是...)。那麼惹禍了,怎麼辦呢?只要趕快將「踢館」的那一隻鞋子取下,放在石頭邊,重新一邊堆石一邊講這一段話:「踢你的不是我,是這一隻鞋子,你找它算帳」。然後趕快溜!(我倒好奇為什麼那麼多MIT的鞋子,我想要不是台灣製鞋工業發達,使得舉世皆為MIT牌,那就一定是台灣觀光客比較皮,想回憶踢鐵罐的童年!)


扯遠了,接下來上課了。本造型須三條 綠色 260q與兩條 棕色或橘色 260q。首先將一條綠色 260q打滿氣,然後洩一點氣後,首尾相接打成一個大環。接著與南瓜類似,轉出二個平行而等大的泡泡。然後將二個結點結合在一起形成一個大8字(可做兔子的大耳朵),再把二個圈圈各轉出平分等大的泡泡。如此就將一個大圈轉成四個等大的泡泡來。同樣的方法,共做出三條來。


然後將二條棕色 260q充滿並稍微漏氣後,將二者的嘴部綁在一起,繞過星狀葉子的中央結點。接著要捻出一條麻花來,捻法是:拉著二條氣球旋轉相同的方向,就能將二者捻在一起。

當捻到長度剩下 12" 時,將二者轉在一起而形成一個結點。然後每一條都做一個周長 8"的象耳朵Loop Twist來,各自留下 4"的尾部。最後將這些象耳朵與尾部整理在同一平面,形成棕櫚樹的底座,並調整其重心使棕櫚樹能站立在地上。至此,一棵漂亮的棕櫚樹終於大功告成!

1.如果站不起來,可做一較大的 Stand。
3.如果葉子或 Stand無法穩定在同一平面上,此時可藉助於氣球專用膠的粘著。

若能在樹葉與樹幹之接合處,以圓形 5"球做出椰子來,造形就更漂亮了。

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May Flowers

我們先民「唐山過海」跨過黑水溝來台開闢。一如1620年102位清教徒 Pilgrim Fathers,搭乘「五月花」號至新大陸開墾殖民地一般。因著他們當年胼手胝足闢路襤褸,才有現在的我們。因此「五月花」對於美國人而言,其重要性自不在話下。




首先分別將兩條黃色260q打滿氣後,釋放氣體至留有 1吋之尾部(捏尾部氣體來洩氣)後打結。將第一條距尾部 6吋處與第二條之嘴部打結。接著將第二條(較長那一條)轉出 12吋、 3吋、3吋球來,將二個 3吋中間之第三結點處與第一條的 12吋泡位置結合。然後將這二個 3吋球再轉在一起。




接著吹出一條棕色的260q,也是一樣留 1吋之尾部後打結。由頭部開始,分別轉出1吋、6吋、3吋、6吋、1吋之泡泡,這其中的1吋泡是當作連結泡固定用。將第三、第四結點綁在船身甲板中央處。然後將6吋、3吋、6吋的泡泡圍轉在一起(第二與第五結點)。


接著淺藍色的260q也是吹滿後洩氣,留 1吋之尾部後打結。由頭部開始,分別轉出1吋、3吋、6吋、6吋、6吋、3吋之泡泡。

將淺藍色的1吋泡當固定泡綁在距棕色氣球第六結點上方 6吋處。接著如右圖將其繞成一個正方形,留下淺藍色氣球最後的小尾部泡,亦當成固定泡。調整上方兩個一吋固定泡,使其落於桅竿的兩側(這樣才有固定功能)。下方棕色的兩個一吋固定泡也是如此處理。最後調整帆布的角度,使其與桅竿的三角型處在同一平面上。並將兩條弧形的黃色氣球彼此向內扳,這樣一條隨風浪搖盪而飄洋過海的帆船就大功告成了!






首先將一條 260Q吹氣後留 5" 尾部不充氣.

依序轉出 1"、1.5"、1"、1/2" 等(1、2、3、4)四個泡泡來,然後如圖將2、3、4的泡泡環環結成三角形.(中間編號3的1"泡等一下要做出熊耳結 Pinch Twist)

再轉出 1.5"、1"、1/2"(編號5、6、7)等三個泡泡,再將此三泡環結在一起。(中間編號6的1"泡等一下也要做出熊耳結)

接著轉出 1"、1/2"、1"(編號8、9、10)等三個泡泡,並將編號9的 1/2泡做出熊耳結,然後將編號1的嘴部拉近此熊耳結並固定。調整編號8、10、1等三個1"泡,使兩個1"泡在上形成兩腮而一個1"泡在下形成下巴。
然後將編號3、6的1"泡各做出熊耳結來,並調整編4、7的 1/2" 泡,使其轉向正面形成眼球。

最後轉出一個 1/2" 泡當脖子,兩個 3" 泡當前腿,一個 4" 泡當肚子,兩個 3" 泡當後腿腿,並將最後尾部的長泡泡扭曲一下,如此一隻野貓就大功告成了。當然您也可以畫一下眼睛還有貓身上及尾巴的花紋(有道是畫虎不成反類犬,而畫貓不成不知像?^.^


提到青蛙就想起小時候在水田釣青蛙的快樂時光,還有黏蟬、灌 ㄉㄛˇ ㄍㄠˇ、抓螢火蟲、淡水河摸蛤(摸 ㄌㄚˇ ㄚ兼洗褲)等等,曾幾何時這些情景早已不復見!唉!我們真是等到失去了才會懂得珍惜的!

將一條 綠色的260Q 充氣 1/3 (或是留尾7")後打結;

首先打出一個 1.5'' 的軟泡以方便待會伸展之用,接著打出 2''、1.5''、1.5''、2''等四個泡泡,並將此四個泡泡環在一起

接著轉出二個 2'' 泡當前腿,一個 2'' 泡當肚子。


預留尾部 1'' 泡當固定用(咦?青蛙有尾巴嗎?)
將中間泡泡等分為兩部分,分別做出象耳朵來Loop Twist。並將尾部轉出一個熊耳結而把多餘的氣球繞進腿間。



Multiple Choice

這會稱為 Multiple Choice 是因為此種造型的頭部可以做出泰迪熊、無尾熊、豬寶寶.... ,只要發揮您的想像力,它還可以變出許多有趣的造型來。首先將一條 260Q 充滿 3/4 (或留3"尾)後打結。

首先做出一個蘋果結 Apple Twist.

接著依序打出 2"、3"、1.5"、3"、1.5"、3"等六個泡泡來,並將後五個泡泡(3"、1.5"、3"、1.5"、3")環成一圈如下圖。

如左圖,將蘋果結塞入此環圈中,並將兩個1.5"泡做出熊耳結來 Pinch Twist 。接著您可以有兩種選擇:第一種是將蘋果結當正面,這樣就是泰迪熊或是豬寶寶的臉。第二種是將蘋果結當背面,這樣 2" 泡就變成無尾熊的鼻子了。


接著轉出一個1.5"泡當脖子,一個5"泡當肚子。並在氣球尾部預先留下一個1"泡當尾巴,然後將尾巴與肚子之間的氣球等分為四份,如圖做出雙手與雙腳來,最後並將尾巴放在適當的位置(若放錯位置,哦哦!那就變成限制級了!^_^)。您也可以幫這隻熊寶寶化妝一下, 最後不管坐著(手長腳短才能坐)或是將其套進小朋友的小小手腕中,這隻熊寶寶必將成為小朋友們的歡樂來源!


找來白色和黑色的260Q(為了清楚起見,圖中以藍色代替黑色),分別將其充滿一半長度(約留6"尾)後打結,並將兩球的嘴部彼此綁在一起。先將白球轉出兩個 1.5" 泡,將此二泡扭成一個雙泡結(Lock Twist)。接著將黑球轉出 0.5" 與 1.5" 的二個泡泡來。


然後拉這個黑色 0.5 " 泡跨過白色球,將這顆黑色 0.5 " 泡拉成淚滴狀以形成鳥嘴,並將黑色的 1.5" 泡連結至白球上而形成四泡(二黑二白)。

接著將黑色球轉出三個 5"泡並扭成鸚鵡肚 Bird Body.

並將白色球轉出一個 5"泡,結合在鸚鵡肚上形成四泡泡。接著轉出 4"泡做出一個環泡結Loop Twist ,共做出二個以形成其雙腳。剩下的白色球打結並固定後將多餘部分剪去。


而黑色球轉出一個 3"泡做出一個環泡結當尾巴,並將多餘部分剪去。最後在鳥嘴兩旁的白色泡泡上畫出眼睛,這樣一隻可愛的企鵝就完成了。



Kissing Swans

現在我們要做出一對恩愛的天鵝,您可以先使用一條白色的 260Q,吹氣後留 2.5" 尾。如左圖,將打結的嘴部置於距離尾部 8"處打結,並將形成一圈的氣球由中間等分成兩等分。並將嘴部多繞幾圈以固定這些圈圈。







如此,一隻漂亮的白天鵝就形成了。您可以把它放在浴缸中(或是游泳池),讓您的小寶寶陪它好好游泳。另外,如同本造型的名稱 Kissing Swans,您可以使用一條淺藍色與一條粉紅色的260Q分別做出一對正在親親的天鵝,天鵝嘴部可以使用氣球專用接合膠來接合以形成一個漂亮的愛心。您只要將它們送給您的阿娜達,相信必能使您們更加的恩愛。最後謹以此對天鵝

Kissing Poodles

這一對玩親親的貴賓狗造型是進階的代表作品,因為能轉出30顆一樣大的1"球可不是一件容易的事!首先將一條 260Q 吹氣 9" 後打結。為什麼需要留這麼長的尾部呢?因為要轉出的球數越多就需要留越長的尾部來,否則轉到後來氣體沒有後退空間時,硬轉就會撐破氣球了。先轉出5顆 1" 球(尺寸要符合規定),並將 2、5以 Loop Twist 結合在一起(#1是尾巴,3、4是後腳掌, 2、5是後腿)。

然後轉出 9 個 1"泡泡(#6~#14),並將#7~#14泡環成一圈(#6是肚子,#7~#14則是要做出二隻狗的前腳)。





最後將剩餘球體平均的轉出 #25~#30 的6個泡泡來,並將#26~#29 轉出四泡的Loop Twist來,而#30則當成尾巴,這個造型需要多練習幾次才能嘗試出正確的氣泡大小來。最後給您一個建議,您練習時不妨使用深紫色的260Q來做,因為一但失敗就可以把這些泡泡改做成一串葡萄喔! ^_^


This is the one use for the Pinch-pop that can be used to enhance a sculpture.

Inflate the balloon to about 18-20 inches. Twist a 1.5 inch bubble followed by a 5-6 inch bubble. Make a Loop Twist in the larger bubble and tuck the smaller one inside the loop. This makes the rear tire (with a valve stem!).

Make a 2-3 inch loop twist for the luggage rack/seat back and a 3-inch bubble for the body.

Next make a 5-bubble loop of 1-5 inch bubbles for the handlebars.

Make a Pinch-pop from the three middle bubbles to separate the handlebars.

Next, comes a small Pinch Twist for the headlight and a larger pinch twist for the gas tank.

The rest of the balloon will be the front fork and tire. The front fork is a single bubble, made to a length that will leave about 6-7 inches for the front tire.

The front tire will be a loop twist with a 1.5-inch bubble tucked into the loop, similar to the rear tire.


You will need two balloons of the same color - usually green or red, leaving about 6 inches uninflated.
Begin with a Hook Twist and then take the hooked part and twist it into a small soft bubble. Twist this small bubble into two equal bubbles. You now have the dragon's snout and nostrils. Follow this with a 1" Pinch Twist and give it a Toe Twist to make eyes. Another 1" pinch twist makes the forehead and sets the angle for the neck.
The rest of the balloon will become the neck, one wing and one front leg. The neck is about a 6" bubble. For the wing twist a 4", 1.5", 4", 1.5", 7", fastening the last twist back to the base of the neck. You should have a 3-4" leg left over. Pinch twist the 1.5" bubbles on the wing.
With the second balloon. Make a foreleg and wing to match what you already have and twist connect it at the base of the neck. Twist a 4" body, followed by 3-4" rear legs Lock Twist together, leaving a long tail.

For variation, you can follow the neck with the body, rear legs and tail, and then make both wings and front legs from a contrasting color second balloon. Now for the story . . .


Mr. Snowman needs a white 260, inflated leaving a 5" tail, A black 260 inflated only about 6-8 inches, and an uninflated orange 260.

Begin with the black (Shown as dark blue here for clarity) and make a 2-3 inch Apple Twist, followed by three soft 1.5 inch bubbles. Give each of the 1.5 inchers a Pinch Twist. Arrange these around the base of the tulip twist to form the tophat.

Tie the nozzle of the white balloon to the base of the hat, then cut off and save the rest of the black.

Twist three 1.5 inch bubbles in the white and make a Bird Body. This will be the head.

Twist three 3 inch bubbles and make another Bird Body for the center of the body.





For the bottom of the body, make two 4-5 inch bubbles and Lock Twist them together.

Repeat this step and push one bubble of one locked pair between the two bubbles of the other pair, giving you four parallel bubbles, attached at both ends.




If the remainder of the balloon is shorter than the bubbles in the four-bubble group, tuck it into the middle of the group to make it bulge out more. If not, Twist off one more bubble the same size, leaving a short bubble on the end. Bring this down to make a five-bubble group (see the bottom view at left) and tuck the short bubble into the middle.

Now let's add the features.
Take the nipple end of the orange 260 and push it between the bubbles that form the head so that about 3/4 inch sticks out the front. This forms the carrot nose. The rest of the balloon should come out at the bottom of the head and be wrapped around the neck for a scarf.

Take the remainder of the black balloon (you should have about 8 inches) and blow just enough air into it to make it rigid. Don't inflate it enough to make bubbles, but you may want to have a bulge of about 1/2 inch to maintain enough pressure to keep it rigid. Tuck this behind one of the bubbles in the middle of the body to make stick arms. You should have half of it sticking out on each side. Take a permanent marker to add eyes, mouth and buttons. Arleenie notes that in Arizona the snowman is a mythical figure and adds: "For an Arizona snowman, I just make the hat!"


Inflate a 260 ballon leaving about a four-inch tail. Twist a 2-inch bubble for the head, then a 3-4 inch arm, three 1-inch bubbles and another arm. Twist the arms together at the neck.

Twist a 4-inch torso, followed by three 4-inch bubbles for the skirt of the robe. Make a Bird Body from the three bubbles, followed by two Pinch Twist for the feet.


The remainder of the balloon may be popped and tied off or tucked into the skirt to make it fuller. Make a Pinch-pop from the three bubbles on the arms to separate the hands.



In a contrasting balloon, make a shallow Apple Twist for a halo. Squeeze the air out of the next part of balloon to make an almost limp 2-inch bubble. Secure the halo to the knot on the top of the head, and bring the limp bubble down the back of the head and twist to the neck. With the remainder of the second balloon make two triangular wings, using bubbles of about 3, 5 and 6 inches. Secure the wings to the neck and the angel is complete.

Optionally, you can cut the limp bubble in the middle and twist the ends into the joints at the top and bottom of the head to seal them off.

June Bug

The mantis requires four balloons of the same color. Inflate one balloon leaving about a 3 inch uninflated tail. Twist a 1 inch bubble, a 2.5 inch and a 5 inch.

Pinch Twist the 2.5 inch and Loop Twist the 5 inch. Tuck the pinch twist inside the loop twist and you have one eye.

Repeat the pinch twist and loop twist to make the other eye and add a 6 inch loop twist for the nose and jaw.

Move the tail end of the balloon and the original 1 inch bubble to the back, forming the back of the head and the neck. Twist about a 3 inch neck, leaving about 12 inches for a front leg. Inflate the remaining 3 balloons leaving about a 2 inch tail. In one of them twist another front leg matching the original.

Make two 1-inch pinch twists in each of the legs to form the elbow and wrist joints. Arrange them in the typical 'praying' position characteristic of the mantis. Make a 1-inch pinch twist immetiately behind the front legs to position the thorax. The thorax is just a 6-inch bubble. The remainder of the balloon becomes a center leg. Take the third balloon and make a matching leg as you did for the front legs. Twist a 1-inch bubble in the far end of the third balloon and lock it to the joint where the center legs come together. The long loop twist between forms the abdomen.

Take the fourth balloon and squeeze the air all the way to the end to soften it. Twist the abdomen about 3 inches behind the center legs and attach the center of the fourth balloon at that point. Make 1-inch pinch twist joints in the two sections of the fourth balloon to make the rear legs.

April Showers

Start with 5 260 balloons and inflate them all leaving about 3 inches uninflated. It is important to make them as close to the same size as possible, about 45 inches long.

Twist a 1 inch bubble in the knot end of each of them and twist all 5 together at this point.

Twist a 4 inch bubble in two of the adjacent arms. In one of them (blue in the drawing) twist a second bubble, 5 inches long.

Lock Twist this second bubble to the first one on the adjacent (purple) arm.

Twist a 5 inch bubble in the second arm and lock twist it to a 4 inch bubble in the third (green) arm. Continue around the structure in the same manner, ending by twisting the fifth arm to the first twist in the first arm.

Once that you have completed the inner ring you are ready to begin the second ring.

Again twist a 4 inch bubble in two adjacent arms. But this time the second bubble needs to be about 10 inches instead of 5. If you want 5 sections, each a solid color, as in the drawing, you will need to go around the structure in the opposite direction with each successive ring. If you go the same direction each time, the colors will spiral around the structure.

For the third (outer) ring, the long bubbles will need to increase to about 14 inches. It will take some practice to get the proportions just right. When you finish you should have just enough of a small bubble left to hold the last twist in place. Giving this last bubble a Pinch Twist gives it a more finished look.

For the handle, inflate a balloon leaving 4 inches uninflated. Fold the uninflated end back and then squeeze the air around the fold to make the curved end of the handle. From the curved end, measure back about 20 inches for the handle length. Twist off a 3 inch bubble and give it a pinch twist. Deflate the rest of the balloon (the knot end) and tie it off. Lock the pinch twist in the handle to the center of the umbrella.

Tropical Fish

The design requires four balloons - three of one color and one of a lighter color. Inflate all of them leaving about a 3-inch tail.

In the first dark balloon make two eight-inch bubbles and Loop Twist

them. These will become eye sockets.

In the light balloon make two four-inch bubbles and loop twist them. These will become eyes. Follow with a two-inch bubble.

Make two 12-16 inch bubbles and loop twist them for pectoral fins. Any remaining balloon may be popped and tied off.


Push each eye into one of the eye sockets, allowing the rest of the dark balloon to extend to the back.

In the second dark balloon twist a 3-inch, 1-inch, 3-inch, 1-inch series. Twist the knot into the last twist to make a loop. Now Pinch Twist the two one-inch bubbles. These will be "cheeks" with the 3-inch bubbles making the lips. Bring the nipple end around and tie it to the opposite side of the lips, making a large loop. Squeeze the loop to distribute the air evenly.

Squeeze the air in the third balloon toward the tail end to distribute it evenly, and then twist in the middle, making two equal bubbles. Place this twist through the large loop in dark balloon 2 behind the lips. Twist the ends of the large loop together, locking balloon 3 in place.

Slip the pectoral fins through the loop in balloon 2, arranging so that the knot end of balloon 3 is on the top. You should now have an ugly mess like the one in the picture at the left.

All the long, loose ends need to be twisted together behind the eye sockets in one big twist in the following manner:

  • The top bubble of balloon 3 should be divided in half. After making the big twist, bring the remaining bubble back over the dorsal (top) side and tie the knot behind the lips.
  • The end of balloon 1 should be below the dorsal balloon. Its long end will be used to stabilize the tail and complete the ventral (bottom) side of the fish.
  • The large loop will be pulled into the body to hold the pectoral fins in place. The loop remaining behind the big twist will be one part of the caudal (tail) fin.
  • The bottom bubble of balloon 3 goes between the pectoral fins to form part of the ventral side. Twist a 1.5-inch bubble at the end of the balloon, and loop twist the long bubble to make the other half of the caudal fin.

Arrange the two caudal fin halves one above the other. The upper one should rest between the two bubbles forming the dorsal side, and the 1.5-inch bubble at the end of balloon 3 should be on one side of the big twist. Using the long end of bubble 1, make a 2-inch pinch twist on the other side of the tail. Make another bubble the same length as the ventral bubble and bring it along side of it. Twist the end in place behind the lips and tuck any leftover balloon inside the body behind the lips.


Turkey requires one Red balloon and one dark one, preferably brown or black.

Inflate a brown 260 leaving 6" uninflated. Twist off a 1" bubble followed by a 2" bubble. Give the 2" bubble a Loop Twist. This forms one foot.

Follow this with a 3" leg and another 3" bubble. Next come two 7" bubbles Lock Twist together for the wings. A third 7" bubble goes over the top to form the back, and then a 3" comes down the front and locks to the top of the leg. You should have just enough balloon left to make another 3" leg and another foot.

This completes the body, which so far looks something like a walking football. Now we need to add the head and tail.

Inflate a red 260 leaving about 5" uninflated at the end, and leaving about a 3" long nozzle before tying the knot. Twist off a 3/4" bubble and a 2" bubble. Give the 3/4" a Pinch Twist and then Toe Twist it to make the upper and lower beak. Give the 2" a loop twist for the head. The long uninflated nozzle forms the wattles that hang down from the beak. Trim off the rolled end for a better appearance.

Twist a 3" neck and then fold it over about 1" from the bottom. Hold the fold and squeeze it for a few seconds to make a bend in the neck. Twist off a 4" bubble behind the neck and squeeze it lengthwise inside the body. The neck should stick out of one end and the rest of the balloon from the other.

Twist two 2" bubbles and lock twist them together. Wrap the remainder of the balloon around these to make the tail. It may be necessary to squeeze some of the air down into the uninflated part to reach all the way around. Tie the nipple off at the base of the tail and arrange the tail to stand upright.

In the U.S., Thanksgiving Day brings to mind images of roased turkey, parades and football. We take a day off from work, eat too much, and plan the next day's holiday shopping. But Thanksgiving in America is much more than that. Here's a few notes from the World Book Encyclopedia about Thanksgiving:

  • The first American Thanksgiving day was a religious day and did not involve feasting. It occurred Dec 4, 1619 at Berkley Plantation (near Charles City, Va.) in accordance with the charter which specified that their day of arrival be observed yearly as a day of thanksgiving to God.
  • The first New England Thanksgiving set the theme of feasting. In the early autumn of 1621 the surviving settlers (nearly half had died) of the Plymouth colony held a three-day festival to give thanks to God for the progress made.
  • There were eight special days of thanks observed during the revolutionary war for victories and God's protection.
  • President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed the last Thursday in November, 1863 as "a day of thanksgiving and praise to our beneficent Father."
  • Thanksgiving day was proclaimed formally on the last Thursday of November by presidential decree each year until 1939. That year President F.D. Roosevelt set it one week earlier.
  • In 1941 congress set the fourth Thursday in November as Thanksgiving Day and made it a federal holiday.


Inflate a red 260 all the way, then slowly release the air to let the whole balloon get very soft. As soon as the nipple end begins to shorten, stop releasing air and tie the nozzle to the end of the nipple. Find the exact middle and hold the two parts parallel. Roll one of the bubbles to make a twist between them, giving you a full-sized, soft double bubble.

Divide the double bubble into three equal parts and twist into three doubles. Fold the three sections together to produce what resembles package of six fat hot dogs.


Now push the two ends of the bundle together and give the whole thing a twist. You are actually giving 6 bubbles a Loop Twist at the same time. Arrange the loops to form a neat 6-petal flower.

Inflate a yellow 260 about 4" and tie it off. Twist 3 very soft 1" bubbles, then give each of them a Pinch Twist , followed by a Toe Twist. This forms the center of the flower. Deflate the remaining bubble and cut off all but 2" of the remaining balloon.

Inflate a Green 260 leaving 3" uninflated. Tie the nozzle to the deflated tail of the yellow balloon. Slip the knot between the petals of the red flower leaving the yellow center on one side and the green stem on the other.

Twist a 1.5" bubble in the stem just below the flower. Follow this with three large Loop Twist for leaves. You may want to experiment with white and pink petals as well as red, since these are also popular varieties of poinsettias.

Cartoon Faces

The basic face begins with a 1-inch Pinch Twist followed by three 3-4 inch Loop Twist.

The pinch twist becomes the nose and the loop twists become the chin and cheeks.

Next, make two 3-4 inch bubbles and Lock Twist them together. this forms the upper half of the face. Eyes drawn on with a permanent marker will add a lot to the character of your figure. This basic face is only the foundation for more elaborate figures.

Ears should be made between the two bubbles that make the top of the face. For cat ears, make two small pinch twists after the first 3-inch face bubble. After the ears, make the second 3-inch bubble and do the lock twist.

For a rabbit, the ears could be two pairs of 6-inch bubbles locked together.

You may want to modify the nose by adding a small Bird Body before creating the cheeks and chin. Of course, all these enhancements use up more of the balloon, and you may need to start with a second balloon at some point. If so, you can use a contrasting color to give even more character to your figure.

In this example the eyes and cheeks are made from a white balloon. The eyes need to be very soft to hold their position under the forehead.

For another example of a multi-balloon face, see the Tiger.


本造型難度甚高,須使用 3 條 Orange 260q 及 1 條 White 260q,折法有 Lock TwistPinch TwistLoop Twist 。將一條 orange 和 white 打氣後各留 5" 尾部未充氣 。

先在頭部(打結處)轉一個 1.5'' 泡泡。如圖,將打結後氣球之多餘尖端部分拉緊至關節處旋轉以形成一個熊耳朵Pinch Twist,這將是老虎的鼻尖。

將白色氣球扭轉一個2吋泡泡與這鼻子結合(交叉後轉一圈),再轉一個等大的2吋白色泡泡,將此二個白色泡泡旋在一起後,共同接在一個柔軟的(捏出球內氣體再轉) 1.5" 橘色泡泡處。這樣就形成老虎的鼻子。

然後將橘色氣球分別轉出 2", 1.5", 3",2", 2" 共五個泡泡(所有的泡泡要往同一個方向各轉三圈以免鬆開),先將這些泡泡環成一圓圈而鎖住。再將二個1.5"的泡泡各做出一個熊耳朵來。
接著白色氣球轉出二個十分柔軟的2吋泡泡以 Lock Twist鎖好後塞入橘色氣球內以形成眼睛。

做出一個1吋白泡泡與眼睛區隔開來(這種區隔的泡泡可避免一個關節處因結合太多泡泡而變的難以施工)。接著白色氣球轉出一個1"的熊耳朵當固定結,緊跟著轉出一個大的 6" 象耳朵Loop Twist當作下巴,這樣最難的頭部已完成。



接著要折出一條橘色彎曲尾巴,可是一件頭痛的事。由於原創者 Professor Wonder 並沒有介紹的很詳細,小弟我幾經思量,自創一種方法稱為JBN旋尾法:先將氣球吹飽氣後完全洩氣(目的在於降低氣球的彈性),接著吹出另一條氣球綁好結後當工具,準備一點膠帶(使用貼紙箱那種黏性低的黃色膠帶),將洩氣後的橘色氣球尾部貼在工具氣球上(橘色氣球只要貼住1cm),然後將橘色氣球攤平繞在工具氣球上(像貼膠帶似的繞在同一圈)。最後由橘色氣球的頭部打氣(工具氣球須以雙腿夾緊而打氣時橘色氣球須貼近工具氣球),橘色氣球打滿時自動會將膠帶撐開,這樣就能打出一條漂亮的彎曲尾巴來了(偷偷告訴您這個好方法,不要告訴別人哦!)。

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